Tuesday, August 5, 2008

4 Av - Igeret Hatshuva and more

"The Baal Shem Tov would sometimes show his Talmidim visions..." (see more below)
[picture taken at shiur today]

In Elul , the month of Teshuva there is a “Seder Avoda Lemala miGvul “– the g-dly energy that we get in order to work and ascend comes from Endless light itself.

If all year around we are limited to the Teva – nature and its boundaries , at thime we are empowered to jump tremendous leaps. The treasures are given out for free all we have to do is to reach out and take them.

We see this also the “kabalat ol” (acceptance of the king, Hashem) of Rosh Hashanah and the Simcha of Suckot that come from the level of Bli Gvul .

The Avoda at this time of the year is the Avoda of Etsem Hanefesh – the work of the essence of the soul.

What you say generates a reality in the world.

When you think that someone is good, he becomes good.

There is a known teaching that are 3 people that get hurt when Lashon Hara is spoken: the person telling it , the person hearing it , and the person we are talking about. The sages say that we are "killing" this person .

the Alte Rebbe asks : what is the pshat (simple understanding) by saying we are killing the person?

The Alte Rebbe answers that the Pshat is that are causing this person to actually do these bad things.

The Baal Shem Tov would sometimes show his Talmidim visions (see more below)
Once Yankel the fisher got so angry with Shlomo.
he shouted "I will tear Shlomo like a fish!"
The Baal Shem Tov showed the talmidim a vision . they where horrified to see Yankel Mamesh tearing Shlomo apart like a fish....

Man has so much power in his mouth that he creates reality. What ever man chooses to see becomes reality.

The same approach applies to ones view of Hashem.

And more so, to ones view of himself.

The Rav "A couple comes to me with marriage problems. The husband says my wife does this the wife says my husband does terrible that. And I tell them look at the good things you do for each other." when you focus on the good the bad falls.

Like the germs in human body. If they don’t have an ill organ to catch on to they will not multiply.

if they do not multiply they do not have any significance. Many of us know the Eitza to see the good in something; what most of us don’t realize is that we are creating our own reality.

The correct response that a person should have to Lashon Hara is not to believe it. And because its true , but we don’t want ti hear! If we believe its not true it wont be true!!!

We know that every thing that we have in Kedusha has a matching entity in Klippa.

The other side of the Emunah be’ Hashem is hearing Lashon Hara.(!) Our emuna is vey powerful.

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