Thursday, September 11, 2008

11 Elul A few words

The Mitteler Rebbe (second Chabad Rebbe) addresses the issue of Parnasa (making a living) in his book "Derech Chaim." He writes (in the introduction) that there are two kinds of folks who work--one who works very hard and through his hard work earns his living, and another who does not invest great amounts of energy into working but whose work is "blessed" and who sees miraculous growth in his investments!

So --you ask--how does one become like the second guy?

Answers the Mitteler Rebbe-- You get that "blessing" to the extent that you work hard in Torah and mitzvot--fix times for Torah study without compromise and generally put one's effort into matters of Torah and mitzvot.

As the Sages say--"whoever accepts the yoke of Torah upon themselves is spared the yoke of the government and livelihood, and whoever casts away the yoke of Torah is burdened with the yoke of the government and livelihood."

כל המסיר מעל עצמו עול תורה נותנים עליו עול דרך ארץ (פרקי אבות) ת

The Rebbe explained this : learning Torah is not necessary "Ol Torah" . you can actualy enjoy learning . If you are looking for remedy for working so hard to make a living (Ol, Yoke) youi should learn Torah and the Mitzvot Davka when you are not enjoying it so it becomes a true Ol on you taking away the Ol and worries of making a living.

Now there may be people who are "learning" but are lazy. Such folks should be working.


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