Monday, October 27, 2008

Packages (revised from previous post)

Rav Offen from Toras Emes yeshiva in Jerusalem gave an exclusive Farbrengen in my friend’s Succah in Crown Hights .

There is a midrash that tells us about the water at the creation:

לפי שבשעה שפלג הקב"ה את המים, מהם לקח למעלה ומהם נתן למטה, המים שנתן למטה היו מתרגשים ומיללים וצווחים וקוראים ובוכים, ואמרו לא זכינו שנהיה קרוב ליוצרינו, מה עשו? העיזו פניהם ובקעו תהומות וביקשו לעלות למרום עד שגער בהם הקב"ה... אמר להם הקב"ה הואיל ועשיתם כך לכבודי אין להם רשות למים העליונים לומר שירה עד שיטלו רשות מכם". ולא עוד שאתם עתידים ליקרב ע"ג המזבח במלח ובניסוך המים.

When the holy one blessed he divided the waters he took some of the water and made them upper waters and took some and made lower waters.
The water below would gush and wail and cry and would say "we are not fortunate enough to be close to our creator. what did they do? they tried to rebel and try to get back to the heavens. Until the holy one blessed he told them off. He told them: "Since I have done this for my glory I will compensate you (the lower waters) by making a rule that the upper waters will not be able to say their song (grace) without your approval.
And not only this but you will be poured over the alter with the salt and (the Mitzva of) Nisuch Hamayim (on Succot) .

Chassidus explains that everything physical in this world has a spiritual source.
The spiritual (Ruchni) water is what we refer to as Upper waters. The upper waters Inyan (point) is the Oneg (=pleasure) of the higher worlds and Hashem himself.
The lower waters are the physical descendant of the upper water. These waters cried .
How where they compensated? They were given a Mitzvah to be bound with. When doing a Mitzvah in this lower world there is higher pleasure for the essence (Atzmut) of Hashem.
And the same rule applies to us : When there is Oneg in the upper worlds we feel it down here.

The Rebbe says that this is the time of the year to make packages of Simcha . Where do you get this Simcha? Out in the street at Simchas Beit Hashoeva.
Make yourself enough packages so you can go on with unpacking a whole year.
A famous Chassid said that not everyone has Keilim (vessels) to collect this great light. he said that some people collect it in beckets and barrels , but he only has a little cup.Even with my little cup I go out collecting. A small portion at time.

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