Sunday, July 13, 2008

10 Tamuz - Shaar Hayichud Ve'HaEmunah - chapter 11 CONTD.

On Friday we got into a discussion about "Shoresh Haneshamot" (the Soul's roots) .
On the one hand everyone's soul has a certain "root" in some spiritual realm and that root has a role in determining the person's spiritual level.
On the other hand there is an idea that we can all attain the highest levels.

The Rav responded that for these kinds of subjects one needs to ask a Mekubal and that he is only a Mekabel.
[** Mekubal (person who practises Kabala), Kabala (The teachings of the "secret" level of Torah) and Mekabel (a receiver) all come from the Hebrew root קבל K B L = received.]

Rav Dietch told a story:
R. Yitzel Druvitcher was the father of the famous R. Michele of Zlotchov (Talmid of the Baal Shem Tov). He was said to have possessed a very simple Neshama but through his efforts he raised it to the level of the Neshama of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai!
Every entity is made up of combinations and permutations ("tzirufim") of Hebrew letters. R. Shlomo of Karlin writes that one should pay attention to the permutations when dealing with any entity...

R. Moshe Kliers was Rav and Rosh Yeshiva in Tiveria last generation. One of his students was ill and the Rav advised him to go to the doctor. A few days later the Rav saw him and asked him how he was feeling. The student replied that he was feeling better. "And what did the doctor say?" asked the Rav.
The student was incredulous. The Rav repeated his question. The student made a face of disbelief. ...So it turned out that when the Rav had recommended that the student see a doctor, the student went to daven at the Rambam's resting place.
After all he is the doctor! And indeed after davening there the student began to feel better. But he simply couldn't understand the Rav's inquiry regarding what the doctor said!

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