Tuesday, July 29, 2008

26 Tamuz - Igeret Hatshuva

Talking about Faith;
Faith is a basic power that people are born with
The Rebbe said that you will not find a kid that doesn't have Emuna (Faith).
The Russian communist system had a clear agenda against having any kind of faith.
They worked hard using their educational system and tried to erase the religious faith. When a of Russian Jews came to learn Torah with a group of Chasidim there where many arguments and disputes. One of the Chasisdim told the Russians: “Look, I don’t understand why you are arguing with us so much. You believe that 13 is an unlucky number, if you see a black cat in a certain position you react in a certain way. If the cat is in a different position you do something else…”
The Chassid went on and pointed out a long list of common Russian believes.
“You guys are the omnes who have the faith.
Look at all these weird things you believe in that are far from being logic! – I would say you believe in many believes, we have only one!”

Rabbi Wolf Z”L from Benei Brak is one of those figures of a time that is gone.
I (Rav Dietch) had the honor of meeting him. He said that in our times the Kofrim became Maaminim and Maaminim have become Kofrim!
It doesn’t take much explanation for someone to see a building and come to a conclusion that it was designed by an architect.
On the other hand - in order to say that this building was created randomly - you need a strong Emuna!
The Nimshal is understandable.

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