Tuesday, July 22, 2008

19 Tamuz - Maymer Shabat Matot 1954

* This Shiur was given by Rabbi Segal
The Rebbe talks in this Maymer about Nedarim .
In our Parasha we learn that a person could make a Neder (Vow) to forbid something on him.
For example. A person can decide that a certain food will be forbidden for him for an X amount of time.
A basic question is asked: how can someone have the right to disable the ability of Berurim (sorting/ departing the good from the bad) for a substance in this world?
A large number of the substances (food materials etc.) in the world have the potential to get elevated to Kedusha, how can a person deprive that from them!?

Well, this Maymer is along one and we will probably answer this question (and others) in the Posts to come. Today we will explain a basic concept in Klipa and Kedusha.

As many may know, the holy spiritual light, energy to this world is funneled through 4 main worlds: Atzilut, Bria, Yetszira, Assi’a
Atzilut is the closest world to “Endless light”. In the next world the light is less apparent and so on. The bottom world - the Assi’a world comes so low that physicality appears.

Well, we learn in this Maymer that the Klipa (Shell, external world that includes the “bad”) world has a similar division.
The 3 unholy Klipot and the 4th klipa – Noga also have 4 worlds.
The difference is that when you talk about Klipa the highest world Atsilut is the world that is the most far away from Endless light (G-d) !
Where do these worlds get their light energy from?
The (physical aspect of the) Assia world of Klippa and Kedusha are the same world – the world we live in!
The middle “Tier”, Klipat Nogga can go either way passing energy to the Klipot worlds from the Kedushha world…
Who is passing this energy? Us!

I’ll try to explain and elaborate more on this topic in future posts

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