Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yud Bet Tamuz farbrengen

The Farbrengen for Yud Bet Tamuz last night at Tzemach Tzedek
---> Note: text within '+' symbols (e.g. +++ text +++) is my personal thoughts and was not said in the Farbrengen

How do we deal with Nissyonot in our time.

There is no Russia today. Why are we celebrating Yud bet tamuz with such a Shturem?
What happened in Russia years ago is relevant to us. We are having the same battles today in a modern version.

There are two ways of AVODA.
The first is Avodat haberurim .
The second is Avodas hanisyonot.... (See previous posting)
The Nisyonot Avoda is a new order of Avoda.


I want the Rav to say something unusual. I want a change with my life. I want to be devoted in my work. Am I playing games here??


The Yetser Hara is the same Yetser but he changes his garments.
The Yetser of today is dressed in the garment of______ but it's the same Yetser of the old days.
Today we have the internet, back than we had the communist ideas!

===== A Niggun is sang: Lechatchila Aribber====

Every person should Mevarer his Nefesh Bahamit. There has to be good nitzos in every substance. Nothing could exist in this world if it didn’t have a holy nitsos in it.
A nissayon is on one hand a dimayon an imagination , it only seems like reality.
On the other hand all we see is darkness.
A good nitzos is so hidden, that you can't see anything . Even not a sliver of light.

Usually we can see 2 sides: the good part and the bad part, in a Nissayon you cannot see the good side.
the way to get over Nissayon is

  • Bitul atzmi
  • Tokef atzmi

(Bitul = canceling your self, being ego less, Tokef = strength)

If a person is in Bitul, how can he be in Tokef!?
where does the Tokef come from? this person has the Tokef of the Meshaleach - the person sending him.


I feel that the biggest Nissayon that i have is for me ro put up with me.
I get a weakness when i think about it and ask myself if i will ever overcome my bad habits.
What am i working for if there is no hope for change (assuming there is no hope)
I feel that this is an answer :
Don't think. do . no point arguing with an imagination!
Don't consider yourself to be anything - bittul , but walk this world with great Tokef .
Tokef that the Rebbe gives you.


The Nisyonot of today are different but the remedy is the same .
Bitul and Tkifut.
And of course don't forget - it all your imagination!
How do u deal with a imagination - a dream - you don't negotiate with it! and don't fight with it
When there's a confusion you are having in your dream you try to argue. maybe there is someone that needs some convincing . Sometimes you realize you are only dreaming . Once you have discovered that you know that there is no point in arguing! what you are saying and what the opposition is saying is not important any more. its all part of the fog that creates the dream...

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