Sunday, July 27, 2008

24 Tamuz - Igeret Hatshuva

The Chidushei HaRim (the first rebbe of Gur) needed to make an urgent journey to Kotsk. he hired a wagon driver who drove the horses incessantly and one horse died. He continued to drive the remaining horse incessantly and upon arriving at their destination it too died. The wagon driver was upset at losing both his horses--his livelihood, and despite assurances from the Hasidim that they would provide him with new horses he became despondent and died that very day.
When the wagon driver arrived on High they did not know where to place him. They could not send him to Gan Eden as he had not shown any particular devotion in Torah and Mitzvot. They could not send him to Gehinom as he had done this one remarkable act of bringing the Rebbe to Kotsk at the expense of his horses. It was decided that he was to be given a special smooth road, a wagon and superb horses with which he could spend eternity riding up and down at great speed...

To which the Chidushei HaRim commented: "They did him the favor of showing him that it is all his imagination."

A fly delights in excrement. If we would have the responsibility we would tell it that there are much higher delights in life.

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