Monday, July 28, 2008

25 Tamuz - Igeret Hatshuva

Beginning of Ch. 7 :

The Alter Rebbe (first Chabad Rebbi) begins the chapter with the words: "There is a "straight path" to teshuva"... Rav Deutch was by the Rebbe when the Rebbe was explaining Igeres Hateshuva. The Rebbe asked the question: 'Do you mean to tell me that all the teshuva spoken about til now in the book is not "straight?" Answer: People come to teshuva through different paths. Like the story in the Gemora of R. Elazar ben Durdaya who did all kinds of sins before coming to Teshuva. This is not a "straight" path to teshuva but a twisted one. The Alter Rebbe is telling us about a path to teshuva that we come to not through misdeeds...

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