Monday, July 14, 2008

11 Tamuz - Igeret Hatshuva and more

When a person does a Mitzvat Asse (possitive commandment) he draws down a certain light.
This Mitzvat Asse brings down Or Ein Sof (G-d - Endless light) to this world.
Lo Taase (prohibition commandments) is drawing away Or Ein Sof.

A Mashal (parable) of the relationship between Asse and LoTaasse we get from a king that is invited to a simple man's home.
Cleaning the house for the king is like the Lo Taase Mitzvot.
The actual coming of the king to the house is like the Asse.
That is why "Asse Doche LoTaase" - when you have a prohibition commandments and a positive commandment together you do the latter.

It is more important to bring the king to the house than to clean the house for him!
The Rebbe said that when a Jew is far from Torah and Mitzvot, let him do Asse mitzvot first. The Lo Taasse mitzvot he is not keeping are not a good thing , but it is wise to start with the good, the positive.
Imagine a hungry starved person . The ideal thing for him will be to get a meal at a proper, clean table. we will all agree that it is not wise fro him to eat something that is not hygienic. Yet, if he literally starving , any food would suit him for now!

Kapara is in the sense of Kinuach - Cleaning , or literally: wiping the dirt.
Cleaning of the heavy dirt. The fine dirt will still need final cleansing with water.
Yom Hakippurim does the Kapara = the wiping of the heavy dirt . The final cleaning is done by Yessurim.

Yud Bet Tamuz

In every thing there's a Nitzots Eloki (G-dly spark) and man has to work on every physical thing that he does to do a Birrur of this Nitzots.
Sometimes the Nitzots is so covered that the only way to get to is by a Nissayon .
What is a Nissayon?
There is Etzem Haneshana (the essence of the soul) and the Hitapstus (spreading / expanding) of the Neshama .

In every day Avoda (spiritual work) it is enough to work with Hitpashtus of the Neshama. When things get difficult more than usual - that’s when a we have to use the essence of his Neshama.
And that is what came to us when the communism started in Russia. The communism started with a war against capitalism. But soon enough one of its main enemies where the religions.
At those times most of the Jews could not stand up against the Russians that did everything to up root Judaism. Before the Rebbe Rashab (the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbi) passed away he said : “theses people (the communists) are so evil I can’t live in one world with them!”
The miracle of Yud Bet Tamuz could only come through the work of Etzem Haneshama that can put up with the toughest Nissyonot.
… To be continued

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